COPA vs Craig Wright: The Identity Trial

Our favorite fake Satoshi is back in court, but this time is different: he's up against his most well-funded adversary to date! Many are referring to this as "the identity trial" because COPA's goal is to effectively neuter Craig's legal efforts by proving he's a fraud who should not be afforded time in the court system... at least, as a plaintiff.
What's the case about? Per COPA:
“Our case is that Wright’s claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto is a brazen lie, an elaborate false narrative supported by forgery on an industrial scale.”
Why Bother?
I, like many others, was happy to ignore Craig for the first few years after he burst on the scene. All his attempts to prove himself as Satoshi were quickly debunked and it seems that only the most moronic of gullible fools would believe his lies. But after several years, as Craig hopped from BTC to BCH to BSV, his cult grew more brazen and his attacks became more damaging as he started taking his detractors to court and racking up absurd legal bills. By 2019 I felt compelled to compile a list of evidence debunking numerous claims Craig had made and showing that his narrative directly conflicted with a variety of facts regarding Satoshi.

When Craig starting filing patents and copyright claims, it became clear what his tactics were. I wrote a bit about that as well.

With the financial backing of Calvin Ayre, Craig intends to bully Bitcoiners with the legal system in order to try to force them to do his bidding. Ultimately, it appears his end goal is to get some sort of legal judgement that will give him a sufficient excuse to execute BSV's confiscation functionality (ELI5 thread can be found here) so that he can reassign "Satoshi's coins" to himself on the BSV network. And, I presume, if he's successful with that then he'll attempt to work his way backwards through BCH and BTC. Of course, those attempts will fail because neither network is going to bow to any court's demands.
Craig has been quite open about his brutish goals, boasting many times over the years to his cult. We have the receipts. Here's but a small sample:

Through absurdly overwhelming litigation tactics, he has sought to financially drain and emotionally distress his opponents. This includes the Bitcoin developer community, many of whom contribute to the ecosystem without expectation of financial reward.
In court in London today, COPA made Calvin Ayre's involvement very clear.
— hodlonaut 80 IQ 13%er 🌮⚡🔑 🐝 (@hodlonaut) February 14, 2024
I have hundreds of receipts of his direct involvement when they started the "troll hunting", and wanted to make an example out of someone—to set a precedent.
Here's just a few examples documenting this,…
Wright has threatened me as well, but he's too cowardly (and probably running low on funds from Calvin) to go through with it. (Hi Craig, you miserable corncob!)

Interestingly enough, Craig admitted to his plans on the stand. He fully intends to keep harassing Bitcoiners. This is why I believe he deserves to be legally crushed with extreme prejudice.

Per Paul Grewal, Coinbase (COPA member) Chief Legal Officer:
If Wright prevails in his claim, it could bring fundamental parts of the Bitcoin community to a standstill. None of us who care about the promise of crypto and the urgent need to update the global financial system can stand for that. Wright must be stopped permanently from making such claims, threatening developers and companies with fraudulent intellectual property litigation and consuming valuable time and resources necessary to build the innovative products a modern financial system requires.
Source Materials
Thanks to BitMEX Research, Norbert, and Tufty for posting a blow-by-blow from the courtroom and to Arthur Van Pelt, hodlonaut, WhatTheFinance9, and WizSec for some great highlights. If you really want all the boring back and forth, check out Norbert's threads here:
- Day 1 (unrolled thread here)
- Day 2 (unrolled thread here)
- Day 3 (unrolled thread here)
- Day 4 (unrolled thread here)
- Day 5 (unrolled thread here)
- Day 6 (unrolled thread here)
- Day 7 (unrolled thread here)
- Day 8 (unrolled thread here)
- Day 9 (unrolled thread here)
- Day 10 (unrolled thread here)
I don't recommend reading through the raw drivel; we have suffered through it so that you don't have to.
Trial Synopsis
Craig spent a week on the stand attempting to explain the multitude of inconsistencies submitted into evidence by COPA and the Bitcoin Developers. The transcripts are pretty boring because it mostly goes like this:
COPA: "So in exhibit X we see that you provided this document that the forensic experts have shown to be manipulated and/or backdated."
Craig: "No. AKSHUALLY..."

But there's a very important point to note with regard to this trial's proceedings.
This isn't the same as civil cases in the United States in which the evidence can be challenged in court and successfully overturned. The evidence for both sides has already been presented and accepted. The trial is when the judge gets to hear Craig's excuses for WHY there are so many forgeries and false statements in the evidence. Although Craig spent a lot of time coming up with excuses for why the case's expert witnesses (including his own forensic expert!) were unqualified, it's unlikely to help his case and is tantamount to insulting the court itself.
A charitable explanation for why Craig was allowed to perjure himself for a week in the witness box is that he was being given enough rope with which to hang himself.
Into The Weeds We Go
All in all we're talking ~40 hours of testimony by Craig, so I'll stick to the most egregious and hilarious highlights. Pretty much everything you'll read was pulled from X because the Court did not allow the livestream to be recorded or transcribed. There may be some minor inaccuracies due to transcription errors, but the major points seem to be well agreed upon. Whenever appropriate I'll embed the post directly, but in some cases I'll upload a screenshot and link the tweet to prevent truncation or data loss.
Let's begin by pouring one out for the man behind the curtain: Calvin Ayre. He has been financing Craig's shenanigans for ~8 years now, and by some estimates has blown a couple hundred million dollars doing so. While Craig has conned many folks over the years, Calvin appears to be the biggest mark by far. As you might imagine, he's getting rather frustrated.

Calvin has made a MASSIVE mistake from which he's never gonna financially recover. The mind boggling fact is that if he had merely chosen to invest those funds into BTC rather than into Craig and BSV, he'd have made tens of billions of dollars in profit.
Some estimate @CalvinAyre has spent $100M - $200M over the past 8 years supporting Craig Wright and the BSV charade. Was it a wise investment?
— Jameson Lopp (@lopp) February 19, 2024
If Calvin had simply bought $100M worth of BTC when Craig "came out" in late 2015, it would be worth over $14B today.
Let that sink in.
Craig called pretty much everything into question during his time on the stand, which included his own attorneys, employees, and even the software he used. At one point he claimed that Citrix systems would randomly mix portions of documents together in order to explain how some of his documents had been shown to have been manipulated.
This must be 1 of the craziest things I heard so far during the COPA v Wright trial.
— Artie Fan Belt 🔥 ∞/21M ⚡ (@Arthur_van_Pelt) February 7, 2024
COPA: It's your position that copying files on a Citrix mainframe caused "fragments of other documents to be copied & incorporated" into your [Reliance and other] Documents?
Craig Wright: Yes
Craig claims to have invented a custom C++ time tracking library that just so happens to be exactly like the standard chrono library that was invented years later. Because the logical, simpler explanation was that he backdated evidence that included code from the future!

Craig's made-up calendar is wrong again and he claims to be able to do things before they exist. He was also somehow running orders of magnitude more hashrate on the early network than can be observed from looking at the difficulty target.

Craig made several nonsensical claims about PGP keys. He also appeared not to know about PGP subkeys, which is a standard way of using one master key for several different purposes.
Trying to explain away a legitimate email with @marttimalmi mentioning Satoshi's PGP key, Wright says he recreated a different key with different algorithms using the same private key. (Again, he claimed that Vistomail had the private key and he never did!)
— WizSec Bitcoin Research (@wizsecurity) February 16, 2024
Craig has a habit of accusing others of doing exactly what he's doing. Here he accuses his detractors of spewing technobabble!

Self Owns
While I'd characterize the vast majority of Craig's claims as lies, there were some magical moments of honesty during his time on the stand.
For example, Craig casually admits to regularly backdating documents. You know, as one tends to do.
Mellor J: who set the date back?
— Andy Long 🇺🇦 (@longandy) February 14, 2024
CSW: I did
Mellor J: Why?
CSW: That's when the project started. I do this sort of thing all the time.
Mellor J: [ice cold] yeah.
😱 #faketoshi #COPAvsWright
At one point Craig disavowed his own signature by claiming that he has other people sign for him. Wow - with Wright trying to wriggle out of responsibility, that sounds like an admission of supporting fraudulent signatures to me! He probably should have just gone with "I don't recall."

In another instance, Craig disavows one of his signatures and says that a lot of his signatures are fake which just seems to create more questions than answers in my opinion. Also, he didn't identify the signature that was put into evidence as being fake, despite telling his attorneys it was fake? Under the bus you go, Shoosmiths!

At one point Craig appears to admit to plagiarism. Then he has plenty of excuses, of course, for why the citations tend to go missing from his publications.
Craig Wright has just said that both of the experts in this trial are not qualified to review the forgeries.
— What The Finance (@WhatTheFinance9) February 6, 2024
That has to be a below-the-belt blow for the Judge who allowed testimony from both experts.
CW suggests that "people he knows" agree with him that his documents are NOT…
As far as we can tell from blockchain records, Satoshi only ever made around 10 transactions. Yet Craig claims to have made hundreds as Satoshi. And yet... he had trouble remembering any of them.
Craig just claimed on the stand to have sent bitcoin to "hundreds of people" as Satoshi.
— hodlonaut 80 IQ 13%er 🌮⚡🔑 🐝 (@hodlonaut) February 13, 2024
COPA lawyer: "Can you mention the names of some of those people"
Craig starts ranting... gets cut off by the judge who asks "Can you mention the name of ONE of those people"
Craig: "No."
Remember that time on stage when Craig had a Freudian slip while discussing the Bitcoin whitepaper? He said "I remember reading it... probably when I wrote it..."
Well, Craig had another slip up in court when he referred to Satoshi in the third person.
In a back-and-forth about communications between Satoshi and Gavin, Wright accidentally answers referring to Satoshi in the third person, before quickly realizing and correcting himself. Pretending to be someone else all the time is hard! 🤡
— WizSec Bitcoin Research (@wizsecurity) February 13, 2024
Craig admits to not telling the whole truth while under oath in Florida. Imagine saying "I was being incredibly difficult because I didn't want to answer the judge" while you're sitting in a witness box right next to your latest judge!

Wright, possibly to reinforce his defense or clarify his position, referenced discussions and decisions made with his legal team, thus waiving his privilege to not disclose such strategies. His own counsel was aghast.
"My Lord, at this stage I am afraid that my client does not know what he is doing."
- Lord Grabiner (representing Craig Wright)
Grabiner's comment that his client "does not know what he doing" was a strategic move to discourage the judge from accepting waiving privilege.
— What The Finance (@WhatTheFinance9) February 9, 2024
But it did not work. Grabiner is squirming in his seat looking uncomfortable. This is not going well for them.
Unbelievable Claims
Craig loves to make unfalsifiable claims and has no end to the misdirection he can offer. But only a fool will believe overly complicated explanations when Occam's Razor shall suffice.
Not only does Wright now claim that all his emails and his wife's emails came from a "staff laptop" and not from them, he's even claiming that he never noticed that Matthews (with whom he was in close contact) and everyone else were communicating with his imposter every day.
— ᗪIGIᑎᗩᑌT (@digitalnaut) February 14, 2024
Craig claims he wrote 3 papers during the time he was spending all day on the witness stand. Claims to be in the middle of 5 doctorate programs. Remember that we've seen strong evidence that he has plagiarized dissertations.

On another occasion, Craig says it wasn't three papers it was three patents that he wrote AND filed during lunch breaks.

The patents claim is particularly interesting because on day 10 of the trial, one of Craig's patent lawyers was on the stand and several tidbits came to light. Despite Craig often claiming to have authored hundreds of patents:
- It looks like many patents are counted multiple times due to being filed in multiple jurisdictions.
- Only 6 patents list Craig as the sole inventor.
- Many patents only added his name months or years after initial filing!

We're all very impressed by Craig's pathological lying.
In recent years Wright says he's been enrolled in 23 simultaneous degrees and wrote 600 papers, and says that during this trial he's doing 5 PhD's and 12 degrees. He also listens to 8 hours of audio books a day. "I'm sure we're all very impressed", comments COPA's barrister.
— WizSec Bitcoin Research (@wizsecurity) February 13, 2024
Craig claims to not know what Calvin Ayre is doing. Claims he doesn't read Twitter, or even run his own Twitter account.

Self Contradictions
Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive!
CSW: And I have never committed perjury. 😂
— Artie Fan Belt 🔥 ∞/21M ⚡ (@Arthur_van_Pelt) February 14, 2024
Here's Craig Wright's Reddit account. He posted 76 times on Reddit according their statistics.
Craig literally published a book about IT Security compliance. A book in which he literally wrote about the dangers of internal attacks. And yet, as we've seen, he has claimed to suffer from internal attacks on numerous occasions. It's a shame he doesn't take his own advice!

Craig has trouble keeping his story straight about why he destroyed his keys.
Wright says he destroyed hard drives with keys in a fit of irrational autism-fueled rage, whereas in the @hodlonaut trial he said he did it for a very specific intentional purpose. Wright refuses to acknowledge these are two very different claims.
— WizSec Bitcoin Research (@wizsecurity) February 16, 2024
Craig has spent the past 8 years screaming that he's going to prove he's Satoshi one way or another, but when it's convenient he claims he doesn't want to be known as Satoshi. Remember in 2016 when he said he was only going to have 1 media appearance and then never be on camera again?
Wright says he never wanted to be known as Satoshi, he just wanted to be left alone and his invention left untouched. Wright also previously said he told "everyone" he was Satoshi, at least 3-400 people in Australia alone.
— WizSec Bitcoin Research (@wizsecurity) February 16, 2024
Craig makes claims about a third person behind Bitcoin who can't be revealed due to "national security reasons" but can't actually provide any details. When pressed further, he says that he typed the claim but not the email containing the claim? More self-contradicting waffling and refusal to take responsibility for his lies.

On the stand, Craig said he never promised to spend Satoshi's coins he says the email in evidence was fake and sent by someone else.

Except, oh wait, we have an account from Andrew O'Hagan that on May 3, 2016, Wright promised to spend some of Satoshi’s coins. Of course, now Craig claims that "The Satoshi Affair" is a work of fiction. But you'll note that the sidebar on the London Review of Books' page for this work describes it as reporting rather than fiction.
Andrew O’Hagan’s piece in this issue is the fourth in a series of reported pieces for the LRB.
Third Party Refutations
Craig threw several folks under the bus while on the stand... they didn't appreciate it. Here's Steve Shadders, former CTO of nChain:
It seems Craig is claiming in court that that I analysed TTL MYOB files for him.
— Shadders (@shadders333) February 9, 2024
I didn't.
These files apparently contained records of his purchase of 1Feex coins. Their authenticity is heavily contested and defendant's counsel in the Tulip case allege Craig added those…
Here's Christen Ager-Hanssen, former CEO of nChain:

Ira Kleiman, the plaintiff in the Florida case in which he alleges Craig Wright defrauded his dead brother's estate, denies Craig's claim that he turned down a multi-billion dollar settlement offer:
Unbelievable. Now he claims that a settlement of $3 billion dollars was offered to me and I turned it down. Does anyone seriously believe that?
— Ira Kleiman (@Kleiman1933) February 8, 2024
Dustin Trammell, an early Bitcoin miner, denies Craig's claim of receiving pre-release Bitcoin client source code.

Proof of Ignorance (Incomplete Lies)
Craig can't remember any of his PhD advisors.
Hough (COPA's barrister) asks Wright about the names of his supervisors for his current PhD's. Wright struggles, excuses himself as being terrible with names.
— WizSec Bitcoin Research (@wizsecurity) February 13, 2024
Wright, who constantly bemoans being "outed" as Satoshi, insists dozens of people always knew he was Satoshi.
Craig can't explain how the critical consensus functions for validating blocks and transactions work.
Wright is asked what the CheckTransaction() function does; Wright says the transaction scripts (including signatures) have to be verified. Gunning points out that actually just a minimal sanity check is performed here; script validation happens elsewhere.
— WizSec Bitcoin Research (@wizsecurity) February 16, 2024
Craig doesn't know how to properly pronounce "LaTeX" (lay-tech, not lay-tex)
C: Madden finds a number of difficulties with your account. Structure of odt/docx files. This was not created from an OpenOffice file.
— Norbert ⚡️ (@bitnorbert) February 6, 2024
W: I mentioned LaTeX (he pronounces the X)
C: You refer to OpenOffice.
W: And LaTeX.
Craig keeps changing his story as he learns more facts over the years.
Hough points out that certain details in Wright's story suddenly appear or change after private Satoshi communications were disclosed in the trial from people like @marttimalmi, like Satoshi privately mentioning his primary toolchain was MinGW. Wright vehemently denies this.
— WizSec Bitcoin Research (@wizsecurity) February 13, 2024
Craig doesn't actually understand the Patoshi Pattern. I guess he doesn't read my blog!
Wright touches on his existing claim of running 69 machines mining Bitcoin, a claim obviously lifted from a misunderstanding of the Patoshi research.
— WizSec Bitcoin Research (@wizsecurity) February 13, 2024
(The mystery miner presumed to be Satoshi was never using 69 machines, but I'm not going to do Wright's homework for him.)
Craig claims Taproot facilitates anonymous transactions and illegal exchanges. I wish he was right, but unfortunately this is completely absurd.

Calling Craig a computer scientist is an insult to computer scientists like myself. We know that he falsely claimed to have a PhD in Computer Science for years.
Update: Australian university says Craig Wright did not complete a PhD as claimed.
— Mashable (@mashable) December 11, 2015
We've known for years that Craig can't code his way out of a paper bag. Remember in 2018 when he "proved" he could code by posting a screenshot of a C++ "Hello World" tutorial?
One of the most entertaining failures Craig made during the trial was his inability to explain what an unsigned integer is.

For context: Satoshi used unsigned integers in 500+ places throughout the Bitcoin codebase, thus to ask "Satoshi" what it is and not get a coherent answer would be like asking Lance Armstrong what a bicycle is or Michael Jordan what a basketball is and not getting a straight answer.
Today’s courtroom lowlight: Wright repeatedly failed to explain basic aspects of the cryptographic techniques at the heart of Satoshi’s invention. He couldn’t even explain what an “unsigned” C++ variable meant - a computing concept that any real programmer would learn on day 1.
— COPA (@opencryptoorg) February 14, 2024
Craig doesn't know how to read code diffs, which is a basic skill developers learn in year 1. He literally said "I don't know how to use use git." His excuse is that he only uses subversion, but if you can read a subversion diff then you can read a git diff.

In the process Wright accidentally reveals he can't read diffs; he thinks the plus and minus characters prefixing added/removed lines are part of the code. 🤦♂️
— WizSec Bitcoin Research (@wizsecurity) February 16, 2024
Craig doesn't know that a double pipe ( || ) means "or" in C++.
Craig doesn't understand the very opcodes he supposedly wrote. Nor does he understand which ones are in BSV!

The Blame Game
Craig is simultaneously the most highly accredited security expert in the world and also holds the distinction of being the most frequently betrayed and hacked security expert in the world. We are all very impressed!

My understanding is that one of Craig's tactics is to accuse anyone and everyone of pretty much anything he can think of while on the witness stand. Because apparently, when someone is on the witness stand they have a sort of immunity against prosecution for defamation. I'm disappointed that I didn't have the honor of making the cut for being defamed!
Craig accuses Greg Maxwell of hacking him, accuses Adam Back of financial crimes and withholding evidence.
CSW is now accusing @adam3us of breaching "financial services legalisation", which he says is a crime
— BitMEX Research (@BitMEXResearch) February 12, 2024
CSW also claims to have spoken to @adam3us in 2012, 2013 and 2014@adam3us is also accused of not submitting all his Satoshi emails as evidence, including emails where Adam…
Craig accuses Martti Malmi and Cobra of being behind Silk Road... not sure what that has to do with this case!
CSW now mentions that @marttimalmi (AKA @CobraBitcoin (according to CSW)), set up the SIlk Road
— BitMEX Research (@BitMEXResearch) February 12, 2024
Craig blames Jack Dorsey for personally shutting down his Twitter account.

Craig blames the BBC for losing the footage of his signing ceremony, as if that would mean anything (it would be worthless and unverifiable.)
Claims the BBC intentionally lost their footage of Wright performing the key signing on his screen, says @ruskin147 is "very pro-BTC" and incredibly biased against Wright, because BSV handles 99% of all blockchain transactions everywhere. 🤡
— WizSec Bitcoin Research (@wizsecurity) February 16, 2024
I think my favorite blame of all was "this Craig is another Craig."
C: [shows email] Says you've been captivated by Tim May etc. Do you recognize it?
— Norbert ⚡️ (@bitnorbert) February 13, 2024
W: Can't say [missed] That's wrong.
C: [email from Matthews to Wright et al] Do you recognize it, or is this also false?
W: No, I recognize it, but this Craig is another Craig, I don't own that…
The Pièce de Résistance
Imagine missing a day in your fraud case because you have to deal with being charged with contempt in another case.
Wright has a contempt hearing in Florida in the Kleiman case today. I wonder if that's why he's not here.
— Norbert ⚡️ (@bitnorbert) February 15, 2024
The level of denial and gaslighting we've observed in this case is astounding to say the least. According to Craig:
- His social media accounts don't actually belong to him
- He doesn't make his own blog posts
- Many people other than Craig have access to his email
- He has been hacked numerous times
- His signatures are often forged, sometimes with his permission
Whenever someone tries to actually corner Craig and pin down the truth, he turns into a ghost and nothing he has ever said can be attributed to him. It's extremely convenient... and predictable, at this point.
What's Going to Happen?
I've got to credit Craig with one thing: he has expertly maneuvered through the legal system and really opened my eyes to what one can get away with as a well-funded civil litigant.
Best case: Justice Mellor (who has an engineering degree, by the way) sees that Craig is a pathological liar who perjures himself without remorse and finds in favor of COPA. Craig gets labelled as a vexatious litigant and effectively barred from filing any further lawsuits in the UK. Hopefully other jurisdictions would also then take the ruling into account. Stretch goal: Craig gets referred to the Crown Prosecution Service by Justice Mellor for his flagrant fraud against the court and ends up with criminal charges. If Craig is charged with perversion of the course of justice then he may face a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.
Worst case: Craig somehow slithers away with little to no punishment and is free to continue his legal attacks against any who dispute his lies via defamation claims and against anyone who wants to build on Bitcoin via false intellectual property claims.
I said it before and I'll say it again. Craig has spent nearly a decade spinning this web of lies; he's in too deep. We should expect that he won't stop until he's literally unable to continue.
The only way to stop Craig from cosplaying as Satoshi is to put him in a box.
— Jameson Lopp (@lopp) September 14, 2022