Announcing the Bitcoin Core Config Generator
Bitcoin Core is a complex piece of software. Because one of the primary goals of Bitcoin is to enable users to be self sovereign and have…
Nobody Understands Bitcoin (And That’s OK)
No one has found the bottom of the Bitcoin rabbit hole.
Moderation Methods vs Censorship Claims
One of the major points of contention in the Bitcoin community these days revolves around claims of censorship on popular Bitcoin forums…
Statoshi’s Satoshi Roundtable Review
I was fortunate to attend the 2017 Satoshi Roundtable on behalf of BitGo. It was truly a pleasure to meet many of the people with whom I…
Ledger Blue Review
Jameson reviews the setup and usage of Ledger's latest hardware wallet.
SegWit: The Swiftest Safe Path Forward
I and many of my colleagues at BitGo and across the Bitcoin ecosystem are eager to see Segregated Witness activated.
Bitcoin: 2016 in Review
In addition to my day job as a BitGo engineer, I run, a site I created in 2014 to track Bitcoin metrics from the perspective…
Bitcoin’s Security Model: A Deep Dive
When discussing consensus mechanisms for different cryptocurrencies, one issue that often causes arguments is a lack of understanding of the security model that they provide for the historical data in the ledger.
How to Run Bitcoin as a Tor Hidden Service on Ubuntu
How and why Bitcoin node operators should run their node on the Tor network.
Bitcoin: The Trust Anchor in a Sea of Blockchains
Bitcoin is the strongest permissionless blockchain in terms of computational security because it has the most resources being expended in order to secure it via a process known as proof of work.