The Annals of Bitcoin Twitter

We begin, of course, at the beginning.
Running bitcoin
— halfin (@halfin) January 11, 2009
It didn't take Hal long to determine that Bitcoin's privacy was far from perfect.
Looking at ways to add more anonymity to bitcoin
— halfin (@halfin) January 21, 2009
Don't you wish you had picked up some of those free bitcoins from Gavin Andresen's faucet?
Free Bitcoins from the Bitcoin Faucet
— Jon Matonis (@jonmatonis) October 20, 2010
At one point, the Wikipedia entry for Bitcoin was deleted because it was not considered noteworthy enough.
Bitcoin article is now back on Wikipedia! (after prior removal) @thevjm
— Jon Matonis (@jonmatonis) December 14, 2010
Creation of the first mining pool
Just mined my first #bitcoin block! I wish you long and beautiful life, block No.94933...
— slush ₿🐷 (@slush) December 1, 2010
Testers wanted! I just started #bitcoin mining server working with all CPU/GPU miners.
— slush ₿🐷 (@slush) December 16, 2010
Early Economy
50,000 BTC for an ounce of gold; oh my!
Grondilu's bitcoin exchange market: < exchange your bitcoins for gold and silver > 50,000 BTC for 1oz Krugerrand
— Beautyon (@Beautyon_) December 15, 2010
Cool! Just made probably the first #bitcoin trade for CZK! 100BTC @ 5.64 Kč/BTC.
— slush ₿🐷 (@slush) December 15, 2010
Bitcoin hits parity with the US Dollar.

Mark Karpeles buys MTGOX from Jed McCaleb. Unfortunately the original tweet from @mtgox has since been deleted.
RT @MtGox MtGox owner change now official - @thevjm #bitcoin
— Jon Matonis (@jonmatonis) March 6, 2011
Don't laugh at Greg; 400% profit ain't bad.
I wish I had kept my 1,700 BTC @ $0.06 instead of selling them at $0.30, now that they're $8.00! #bitcoin
— Greg Schoen (@GregSchoen) May 16, 2011
Wikileaks ended up collecting over 4,000 BTC at this address.
WikiLeaks now accepts anonymous Bitcoin donations on 1HB5XMLmzFVj8ALj6mfBsbifRoD4miY36v
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) June 14, 2011
Oddly enough, a week later the EFF stopped accepting BTC... for a while.
The EFF drops Bitcoin donations over "complex legal issues" by @m4tt on @TNWindustry
— TNW (@thenextweb) June 21, 2011
I have a buy order for ⓑ at $4.50. So could some more Nobel laureate economists please say that it is a stupid idea that can never work?
— zooko (@zooko) September 19, 2011
Mike Caldwell begins minting physical Casascius coins
Bitcoins as coins. As in physical, real coins. For real. #bitcoin #botcoin
— @mikko (@mikko) October 24, 2011
Bad News Begins!
Bitcointalk user "Allinvain" has 25,000 BTC stolen
A risky currency? Alleged $500,000 Bitcoin heist raises questions: by @binarybits
— Ars Technica (@arstechnica) June 15, 2011
First bitcoin malware
New Windows malware does nothing but steal all your Bitcoin.
— kpoulsen (@kpoulsen) June 17, 2011
The MtGox database was compromised and the user table was leaked, containing details of 60,000 usernames, email addresses and password hashes, some of which were overly simple to brute force passwords. Someone was able to access an admin account at MtGox and issue sell orders for hundreds of thousands of fake bitcoins, forcing the MtGox price down from $17.51 per bitcoin to $0.01.
Popular #BitCoin exchange MtGox hacked: 61,000 accounts published. Passwords used (mostly) salted MD5 #infosec #crypto
— darren (@darrenpauli) June 19, 2011
MtGox announced that these trades would be reversed. Trading was halted at MtGox for 7 days (and also briefly at TradeHill and Britcoin while their security was reviewed).
Tradehill, a competing #bitcoin exchange, temporarily halt user deposits & withdrawals following MtGox's database leak
— Matt 'TK' Taylor (@MattieTK) June 19, 2011
Some of the users on the leaked MtGox database had used the same username at MyBitcoin and had their passwords hacked. About 600 of them had their balance stolen from their MyBitcoin accounts. One user lost over 2000 BTC.
the mybitcoin bandit made off with over 4000 btc in under an hour ... the lesson: use different secure passwords for each site. #bitcoin
— BitcoinUpdates (@BitcoinUpdates) June 21, 2011
We are resetting passwords for every account that was listed on MtGox leaked db. Please use password reset function to log in!
— (@bitmarketeu) June 19, 2011
Room77, a bar in Berlin, becomes the first brick & mortar business to accept BTC
Gerade hat mir ein User gesteckt, daß man im Restaurant room77 in Kreuzberg mit #Bitcoin zahlen kann. Da muß ich hin!
— Andreas Schildbach (@schildbach) June 21, 2011
P2Pool mines its first block.
Found our first bitcoin block today!
— P2Pool (@P2Pool) August 24, 2011
Several months later, the Bitcoin forum was hacked.
Bitcoin forum hacked by donor. SQLi again. Email addrs and pw hashes taken
— Chris Wysopal - r00t folding team #258829 (@WeldPond) September 12, 2011
The first Bitcoin conference

Bitcoin's first bubble pops as the exchange rate crashes from $33 to $3.
The bursting of the Bitcoin bubble
— Hacker News (@newsycombinator) October 23, 2011
First European Bitcoin conference
@maxkeiser on stage at bitcoin conference in Prague
— Stacy Herbrrrt (@stacyherbert) November 26, 2011
First phishing scams?
Bitcoin users, note that "ltgox ․ com" hosts a live Mt.Gox phishing site. Stores stolen logins to "/home/ddancom/". Oh, hello there @ddancom
— @mikko (@mikko) January 14, 2012
Tradehill shuts down - it was the 2nd largest exchange, after MTGOX.
Major Bitcoin exchange shuts down, blaming regulation and loss of funds: by @binarybits
— Ars Technica (@arstechnica) February 15, 2012
Nearly 50,000 BTC stolen after security breach at web host Linode.
The Linode hack was a targeted attack against people who deal in bitcoin.
— badidea 💫 (@0xabad1dea) March 2, 2012
Satoshi dice, a simple gambling platform, becomes responsible for over half the daily transaction volume on the blockchain.
New record, 40K trxs in 24 hours. @SatoshiDICE now responsible for 173MB, 12.3% of all blockchain data since 2009.
— Bitcoin Miner (@bitcoinminer) May 19, 2012
Large Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme Collapses With a Loss of $5.6 Million
— Slashdot (@slashdot) August 29, 2012
Future of top US Bitcoin exchange in doubt after hackers grab $250,000 by @jfalconer
— TNW (@thenextweb) September 5, 2012
The Bitcoin Foundation is formed
Bitcoin Foundation Launches To Drive Bitcoin's Advancement - Forbes
— Jon Matonis (@jonmatonis) September 27, 2012
First Halving
Bitcoin block reward has successfully halved; so begins the great test of Keynesian economic theory. No effects yet.
— Jameson Lopp (@lopp) November 28, 2012
Bitcoin ATMs Begin
The first officially operational ATM went live in November 2013
Bitcoin ATM
— Covered Dish People (@doctorow) February 23, 2013
Accidental Hard Fork
A database compatibility issue caused an accidental hard fork of the blockchain which required manual coordination by developers and miners to reorganize the chain and bring everyone back into consensus.
Major Bug In The Bitcoin Software Tests The Community And The Exchange Rate: Catastrophe has been averted, but...
— IEEE Spectrum (@IEEESpectrum) March 12, 2013
This is how Bitcoin alerts look (if you missed yesterday’s disaster :-)
— Oleg Andreev (@oleganza) March 12, 2013
Assassination Markets
$75,000 in Bitcoin has been raised for Ben Bernanke's murder on the 'Assassination Market'
— Forbes Tech (@ForbesTech) November 18, 2013
Early Adopter Regrets Begin
In 2011, I sold a web app on eBay for $10k.
— dustin curtis (@dcurtis) November 18, 2013
The buyer paid with 4718 bitcoins, which I immediately converted into USD at $2.12/bitcoin.
Some College Kid Made Over $24,000 Yesterday Just By Waving This Bitcoin Sign On ESPN
— Business Insider (@businessinsider) December 1, 2013
Tor On Board
We're now accepting bitcoin donations, #tor #bitcoin #bitpay @Bitcoin @bitpay
— The Tor Project (@torproject) December 17, 2013
BREAKING: China bans financial institutions from Bitcoin transactions |
— Bloomberg (@business) December 5, 2013
Bitcoin crashes on reports that China is cracking down further on its use
— Forbes (@Forbes) December 17, 2013
The exchange rate had crashed from $1,100 to $700 :-)
The bitcoin subreddit now has a suicide hotline on the frontpage. Tells you a few things.
— Armin »not the flu« Ronacher (@mitsuhiko) December 18, 2013
Not For Long...
After seizing Silk Road, they ended up auctioning off the coins for cheap!
The FBI owns the world’s biggest Bitcoin wallet
— Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) December 23, 2013
Krugman's Infamous Op-ed
Bitcoin Is Evil
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) December 28, 2013
Bitcoin Development Grows
Explosion of Bitcoin projects on Github
— Oleg Andreev (@oleganza) December 30, 2013
Overstock Accepts Bitcoin

Apple Bans Bitcoin App
Apple removing the Bitcoin app after 120,000 downloads is just straight bullshit. I'm disgusted.
— Joe Rogan (@joerogan) February 7, 2014

Apple ended up reinstating the app several months later.
MTGOX Implodes

Bitcoin Approved for US Political Donations
The Federal Election Commission says it's ok to make political donations in Bitcoin
— Chris Dixon (@cdixon) May 10, 2014
The Simpsons
Jimbo Jones from the Simpson's apparently accepts bitcoin from his victims (via
— CoinDesk (@CoinDesk) September 29, 2014
Slaying the BearWhale
Someone put $9M worth of BTC up for sale and was keeping the price suppressed at $300. This user came forward several years later to explain their reasoning.
Bitcoiners slay the $9mil dollar bitcoin 'BearWhale'
— Tyler Winklevoss (@tylerwinklevoss) October 9, 2014
Bitcoin Bowl
Probably the biggest PR sponsorship ever.
Bitcoin's classic orange logo gets ready for its close-up on ESPN #BitcoinBowl
— CoinDesk (@CoinDesk) December 26, 2014
Coinbase Pro Opens
Coinbase begins trading in bitcoin today, with licenses to operate in 25 of the 50 U.S. states.
— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) January 26, 2015
First Popular Documentary
"The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin" is now available on #AmazonPrime @AmazonVideo FREE! @BitcoinDoc
— Rise of Bitcoin (@BitcoinDoc) March 19, 2015
Governments try to ban bitcoin? LOL
— Andreas ☮ 🌈 ⚛ ⚖ 🌐 📡 📖 📹 🔑 🛩 (@aantonop) May 27, 2015
The image below includes a signed bitcoin transaction transferring $12m USD.
Unicode Support
U+20BF BITCOIN SIGN was just accepted at #UTC145, to be included in a future version of the standard → @kenshirriff
— Ken Lunde 🐬 (@ken_lunde) November 3, 2015
Scaling Debate
Bitcoin isn't about buying a latte with your mobile phone, it is about making the transactions that they say you can't make.
— Keonne Rodriguez (@keonne) December 9, 2015
On stage right now: people representing approximately 90% of the Bitcoin hashing power. Truly an historic moment.
— Jameson Lopp (@lopp) December 6, 2015

This spawned the "unfairly cheap" meme
For those who are anti-SegWit: how would other people's use of SegWit negatively impact your usage of non-SegWit transactions?
— Jameson Lopp (@lopp) May 28, 2017
You will find that the canonical block is less than 1MB but your tx fee is so high, after SegWit is activated. SegWit tx is unfairly cheap
— Jihan Wu (@JihanWu) May 28, 2017
The scaling debate had no clear lines; it pitted brother against brother, and employee against employer, CEO against CTO! Fun times...
BitGo is a weird company from Bitcoin
#Bitcoin fees to high? Unusable? Hate it?
— Jonas Schnelli (@_jonasschnelli_) December 23, 2017
Me too!
Could not download a CD in the early 90ies?
Hated it too!
You have invested in early tech!
Some people think and work day and night so solve this issue in a way Bitcoin can survive centuries!
Have faith.
Give us time.
Bitcoin Sign Guy
Someone held up a 'buy bitcoin' sign during Yellen's testimony to Congress
— CNBC (@CNBC) July 12, 2017
Narrator: he didn't.
if not, I will eat my dick on national television.
— John McAfee (@officialmcafee) July 17, 2017
Eat my dick in 12 months?
— John McAfee (@officialmcafee) January 5, 2020
A ruse to onboard new users. It worked.
Bitcoin was first. It's an ancient technology. All know it.
Newer blockchains have privacy, smart contracts, distributed apps and more.
Bitcoin is our future?
Was the Model T the future of the automobile?
BTCPay Server is Born
This is lies, my trust in you is broken, I will make you obsolete
— Nicolas Dorier (@NicolasDorier) August 18, 2017
SegWit2x / UASF
Bitcoin UASF demonstrated that users armed with code are more powerful than a billion dollar ASIC manufacturing cartel. #nodesrule
— shaolinfry (@shaolinfry) August 9, 2017
BREAKING: "SegWit2X Suspending plans for the upcoming 2MB upgrade." #Bitcoin
— Charlie Shrem (@CharlieShrem) November 8, 2017
Everyone who was running BTC1 (SegWit2X) nodes just got rekt. They all froze at height 494782 - 2 blocks before the fork was supposed to happen.
— Jameson Lopp (@lopp) November 17, 2017
SegWit2X client had an off-by-one bug that caused the fork to fail
@jgarzik is there any reason why the SegWit2x nodes appear to be stuck on block 494,782 when the upgrade is supposed to occur on block 494,784?
— BitMEX Research (@BitMEXResearch) November 17, 2017
Here's the final tally of the Segwit2x rushed hardfork bugs:
— Charlie Lee [LTC⚡] (@SatoshiLite) November 18, 2017
1. Fork block was off by 1 block.
2. Miners were not told to update config file to mine larger blocks.
3. Variable accessed before init resulting in not able to mine bug blocks.
SMH. Have we learned our lesson yet?
Bitshaming Andreas
I did invest, Roger. Then I sold in 2013 to pay my rent. I didn't have disposable income to work for two years without pay and invest at the same time. I should've gone into more debt, but that would have been irresponsible towards my family who I supported
— Andreas ☮ 🌈 ⚛ ⚖ 🌐 📡 📖 📹 🔑 🛩 (@aantonop) December 5, 2017

CFTC Chairman Approves
Coin fans - Thx 4 ur enormous response 2 my recent US Senate remarks. Lol. As you invest remember: caution, balance & DYOR.
— Chris Giancarlo (@giancarloMKTS) February 8, 2018
SEC Commissioner Dissents
Apparently, bitcoin is not ripe enough, respectable enough, or regulated enough to be worthy of our markets. I dissent:
— Hester Peirce (@HesterPeirce) July 26, 2018
The Lightning Torch
Originally dubbed the "Lightning Trust Chain," anonymous Bitcoiner "Hodlonaut" kicked off a test of the Lightning Network that gained a lot of attention.
Some LN fun..
— hodlonaut 🌮⚡🔑 (@hodlonaut) January 19, 2019
- I send 100k sats with to the first person I choose to trust that replies to this.
- That person adds 10k sats and sends 110k to someone (Either from reply to a new tweet, or this thread)
.. and so on
How many sats before it breaks?
We Are All Hodlonaut
Announcing a crowdfunding campaign to help @hodlonaut defend against unfounded legal attacks. Any remaining funds will be donated to @btcven. Please spread the word and donate!
— elizabeth stark 😷 (@starkness) April 12, 2019
In the bitcoin community we stand up for each other. #WeAreAllHodlonaut 💪
First time a POTUS tweets about Bitcoin

What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a tool for freeing humanity from oligarchs and tyrants, dressed up as a get-rich-quick scheme.
— Naval (@naval) January 24, 2018
Bitcoin isn't a get rich quick scheme, it's a don't get poor slowly scheme.
— Jameson Lopp (@lopp) September 11, 2019
Bitcoin's primary function is not "store of value" - that's a result of its primary function.
— Jameson Lopp (@lopp) November 24, 2019
Bitcoin is "fuck you money."
For example:
You want to seize my accounts? Fuck you.
You don't want me to buy ______? Fuck you.
You want to steal my wealth via inflation? Fuck you.
You see Bitcoin not as it is, but as you are.
— Jameson Lopp (@lopp) December 17, 2018
Environmentalists see an energy guzzling monster.
SJWs see gender & wealth inequality.
Economists see an economic system missing pedals for accelerating & braking.
Cypherpunks see the promise of privacy.
Libertarians see freedom.
Bitcoin is resilient. Bitcoin is principled. Bitcoin is native to internet ideals. And it’s a great brand.
— jack (@jack) February 5, 2019
Bitcoin is insurance against politicians.
— Naval (@naval) June 24, 2018
Lightning Network takes off
Lightning Network: January 2018 vs December 2018
— Jameson Lopp (@lopp) December 24, 2018
We Don't Need Internet Where We're Going
BAM! #Bitcoin sent over 7.077Mhz via #JS8Call to @SamuelPatt
— NVK (@nvk) February 12, 2019
Toronto,CAN => Michigan,USA [40W:#SnowStorm]
Bcuz its a brainwallet made ahead of time, with bearer pk I don't require internet to broadcast this transaction at the time i'm sending
Bitcoin hashtag added to twitter
— jack (@jack) February 2, 2020
Money printer goes brrrr
The Federal Reserve says there is an "INFINITE AMOUNT OF CASH"
— Vis (@Vis_in_numeris) March 23, 2020
This is quite literally the reason bitcoin was created.
The Third Halving
The final Bitcoin block with a subsidy of 12.5 BTC was mined by @f2pool_official and contained the following message in its coinbase transaction:
— Jameson Lopp (@lopp) May 11, 2020
🐟NYTimes 09/Apr/2020 With $2.3T Injection, Fed's Plan Far Exceeds 2008 Rescue
Breaking BTCD
In late 2022 a bitcoin developer was playing around with pushing the limits of tapscript and unintentionally triggered a validation failure in the btcd library that caused lnd lightning nodes to stop syncing with the blockchain.
I just did a 998-of-999 tapscript multisig, and it only cost $4.90 in transaction fees.
— Burak (@brqgoo) October 9, 2022
The Story Continues...
This list is far from complete and will need to be updated as new iconic moments occur. Please contact me if you come across any tweets you believe are worthy of being added!