On BSV Scalability
BSV's blockchain is now over 3 terabytes - have they finally solved on-chain scaling challenges?
Bitcoin Seed Security Analysis
Exploring the bounds of Seed phrase security.
The Challenges of Bitcoin Transaction Fee Estimation
Making predictions is hard, especially when they're about the future!
Statoshi Developer’s Guide
Statoshi is a fork of Bitcoin Core with several hundred additional lines of code for emitting metrics to a StatsD instance. You can view…
The Challenges of Blockchain Indexing
Lessons learned from building blockchain data indexing services.
(De)centralized Block Chain Scaling
Lately there has been a great deal of debate around increasing the maximum block size allowed by the Bitcoin protocol because we’re…
The Challenges of Optimizing Unspent Output Selection
A look into techniques and trade-offs of different UTXO “coin selection” algorithms used in Bitcoin wallets.